User Motivation Inventory

A six-dimensional scale measuring user motivation

Questionnaire items

The 18 items below should be presented in random order and displayed with a 7-point agreement scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).

Dimension ID Item
Amotivation amo1 I use [X], but I question why I continue to use it
amo2 I use [X], but I wonder what is the point in using it
amo3 I use [X], but I don't see why I should keep on bothering with it
External Regulation ext1 Other people will be upset if I don't use [X]
ext2 I use [X] because others will not be pleased with me if I don't
ext3 I feel under pressure from others to use [X]
Introjected Regulation inj1 I would feel bad about myself if I quit [X]
inj2 I would feel guilty if I quit using [X]
inj3 I would feel like a failure if I quit using [X]
Identified Regulation ide1 Using [X] is a sensible thing to do
ide2 The benefits of using [X] are important to me
ide3 Using [X] is a good way to achieve what I need right now
Integrated Regulation int1 I use [X] because it reflects the essence of who I am
int2 Using [X] is consistent with my deepest principles
int3 I use [X] because it expresses my values
Intrinsic Motivation imo1 I use [X] because it is enjoyable
imo2 I think using [X] is an interesting activity
imo3 Using [X] is fun
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For each of the six subscales, the values of the associated items are averaged. We recommend a factor analysis should be conducted to investigate the structure. The analysis and interpretation of the results should be done by someone who is trained in psychometrics.


The expected internal consistency (Cronbach alpha) for the subscales is above .80 (AMO = .90; EXT = .81; INJ = .85; IDE = .81; INT = .83; IMO = .87).